Metapack Build Commands¶
new: Creating New Packages¶
mp new¶
The mp new command creates source package directories with a proper name, a .gitignore file, and optionally, example data, entries and code. Typical usage, for creating a new package with most of the example options, is
mp new -o -d tutorial -T "Quickstart Example Package"The
option will set a configuration file, which is a Metatab file that with terms that are copied into the metadata.csv file of the new package. Currently, it copies a limited number of terms, including:
Terms in the Contacts section
usage: mp new [-h] [-o ORIGIN] -d DATASET [-t TIME] [-s SPACE] [-g GRAIN]
[-v VARIANT] [-r REVISION] [-T TITLE] [-L] [-E] [-J]
[--template TEMPLATE] [-C CONFIG]
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¶ Dataset origin, usually a second-level domain name. Required
¶ Main dataset name. Required
¶ Temporal extents, usually a year, ISO8601 time, or interval.
¶ Space, geographic extent, such as a name of a state or a Census geoid
¶ Grain, the type of entity a row represents
¶ Variant, any distinguishing string
¶ Version, defaults to 1
¶ Set the title
Configure a pylib directory for Python code extensions
Add examples of resources
Create a Jupyter notebook source package
¶ Metatab file template, defaults to ‘metatab’
¶ Path to config file. Defaults to ~/.metapack-defaults.csv or value of METAPACK_DEFAULTS env var.Sets defaults for specia root terms and the Contacts section.
update: Update Package Information¶
mp update¶
usage: mp update [-h] [-c | -n | -s | -P | -D] [-A] [-X] [-C] [-F]
Path or URL to a metatab file. If not provided, defaults to ‘metadata.csv’
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Update categories, creating a new categories.csv metadata file
Update the Name from the Datasetname, Origin and Version terms
Rebuild the schemas for files referenced in the resource section
Load schema properties from generators and upstream sources
Import descriptions for package references
Move AltNames to column name
Remove unused columns in the schema, like AltName
Clean schema before processing
Force the operation
Cache dir: /Users/eric/Library/Application Support/metapack/
build: Create distribution Packages¶
mp build¶
Build source packages.
The mp build program runs all of the resources listed in a Metatab file and produces one or more Metapack packages with those resources localized. It will always try to produce a Filesystem package, and may optionally produce Excel, Zip and CSV packages.
Typical usage is to be run inside a source package directory with
$ mp buildTo build all of the package types:
$ mp build -fezcBy default, packages are built with versioned names. The
option will create file packages with non-versioned name, and the--nonversioned-link
option will produce a non-versioned soft link pointing to the versioned file.
usage: mp build [-h] [-p PROFILE] [-D PACKAGE_DIRECTORY] [-F] [-R] [-n | -N]
[-e] [-z] [-f] [-c] [--clean-cache] [-C]
Path or URL to a metatab file. If not provided, defaults to ‘metadata.csv’.
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¶ Name of a BOTO or AWS credentails profile
¶ Write Zip, Excel and CSV packages to an alternate directory
Force some operations, like updating the name and building packages
When building Filesystem package, try to reuse resources built in prior build
Write file packages with non-versioned names
Create links with nonversioned names to file packages
Create an excel archive from a metatab file
Create a zip archive from a metatab file
Create a filesystem archive from a metatab file
Create a CSV archive from a metatab file
Clean the download cache
For some operations, like updating schemas, clear the section of existing terms first
edit: Alter package metadata¶
mp edit¶
usage: mp edit [-h] [-e] {add,change,delete} ...
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Print the file after editing
mp edit add¶
usage: mp edit add [-h] [-a ARG] term value [metatabfile]
A fully qualified term. Prefix with a third component to set the section ( ‘Resources.Root.Datafile’ )
The term value, for add and edit
Path or URL to a metatab file. If not provided, defaults to ‘metadata.csv’
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¶ Add an additional argument: ‘Name=value’
mp edit change¶
usage: mp edit change [-h] term value [metatabfile]
A fully qualified term. Prefix with a third component to set the section ( ‘Resources.Root.Datafile’ )
The term value, for add and edit
Path or URL to a metatab file. If not provided, defaults to ‘metadata.csv’
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mp edit delete¶
usage: mp edit delete [-h] term [metatabfile]
A fully qualified term. Prefix with a third component to set the section ( ‘Resources.Root.Datafile’ )
Path or URL to a metatab file. If not provided, defaults to ‘metadata.csv’
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stats: Calculate dataset statistics¶
mp stats¶
usage: mp stats [-h] [-n ROWS] [-s SAMPLE] [-H HEAD] [-d] [-D] [-V] [-T]
Path or URL to a metatab file. If not provided, defaults to ‘metadata.csv’
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¶ Estimate of number of rows, for sampling
¶ Sample a subset of <SAMPLE> rows
¶ Use only the first <HEAD> rows. Can substitute for –rows
Calculate descriptive stats; min, max, mean, std, quartiles
Calculate distribution stats; histogram, skew, kurtosis
Display a set of unique values
Intuit types instead
url: Add urls to metadata¶
mp url¶
usage: mp url [-h] [-a ADD | -E ENUMERATE | -S SCRAPE] [metatabfile]
Path or URL to a metatab file. If not provided, defaults to ‘metadata.csv’
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¶ Add a file or url to the resources. With a directory add a data files in the directory. If given a URL to a web page, will add all links that point to CSV, Excel Files and data files in ZIP files. (Caution: it will download and cache all of these files. )
¶ Enumerate the resources referenced from a URL. Does not alter the Metatab file
¶ Scrape data and documentation URLs from a web page
Cache dir: /Users/eric/Library/Application Support/metapack/
s3: Create AWS S3 packages¶
mp s3¶
usage: mp s3 [-h] [-p PROFILE] [-s S3] [-F] [-C] [metatabfile]
Path to a Metatab file
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¶ Name of a BOTO or AWS credentials profile
¶ URL to S3 where packages will be stored
Force write for all files
Show S3 Credentials and exit. Eval this string to setup credentials in other shells.