Generating Rows ================ Metatab Datafile terms can reference python functions, programs and IPython notebooks to generate rows. To reference a program, the ``Root.Datafile`` must be a URL with a ``program`` scheme and a relative path. Usually, the file is placed in a subdirectory named 'scripts' at the same level as the ``metadata.csv`` file. It must be an executable program, and may be any executable program. When a data package is created, regardless of the type, a filesystem package is created first, then other types of packages are created from the filesystem package. This means that the row-generating program is only run once per resource when multiple packages are created, and also that the program can open the Metatab package being used to run the program to access previously created resource files. Generating Rows With Functions ****************************** Datafiles can specify URLs that will use a Python function to generate rows. There are two ways to specify a python function, either as a function in a module on the include path, or as a function in a python file. To use python library form, the URL must have a ``python`` scheme: .. Datafile: python:pylib#extract The ``lib`` component ( ``pylib`` in this example ) references the module that holds the function to use, and the fragement (``#extract`` ) is the name of he function. The module can be anything. In this case, Metatab will automatically import the :py:mod:`lib` module, from the package that holds the source Metatab file ( :file:`metadata .csv` ). To be a module, the :file:`lib` directory must have a :file:`` in it. The signature for the function is: .. py:function:: f(resource, doc, env, *args, **kwargs) Yield rows for a ``Root.Datafile`` :param Term resource: The resource object for the Root.Datafile that is being built. :param MetapackDoc doc: The current Metapack document. :param dict env: a dictionary of environmental variables. :return: Yields tuple or list rows. where ``resource`` is the Metatab resource term for the ``Datafile`` term, and ``doc`` is the Metapack document. The function shoudl either return a pandas Dataframe, or ``yield from`` a generator which return the header as the first row, and data as subsequent rows. The file form is similar, but it references a file directly, such as: .. Datafile: pylib/ The library and file forms are very similar; these two references are equivalent: .. Datafile: pylib/ Datafile: python:pylib#row_generator The ``metapack_build`` includes some predefined generators, which can be referenced like this: .. Datafile: python:metapack_build.rowgenerator#copy_reference_group You can pass arguments into the function either as environmental variables, or as property arguments on the resource. For instance, if the resource is: .. Datafile: python:pylib#extract Datafile.Name: extract Datafile.Argument The argument can be accessed as with: .. code-block:: python def extract(resource, doc, env, *args, **kwargs): arg = resource.get_value('Argument') Common Patterns --------------- Link Datasets +++++++++++++ One of the most common reasons to create a row generating function is to link multiple datasets together. Frequently this involves iterating over another Metapack package, constructing maps from other datasets, and linking them together. Copy a Reference ++++++++++++++++ If you want to maintain dependency information, particularly using ``mp doc``, it is important to have all of the foreign packages used by a Metapack package referenced in the ``References`` section. You can copy in a foreign package by including it as a ``Root.Datafile`` in the ``Resources`` section, but then ``mp doc -d`` won't report it as a dependency. To maintin dependencies, you can: - Reference the foren package in the ``References`` - Copy it into a Resource with the ``python:metapack.rowgenerator#copy_reference`` row generator. For instance:: Section: References Reference: Reference.Name: comments Section: Resources Datafile: python:metapack.rowgenerator#copy_reference Datafile.Name: comments In this example, the ``copy_reference`` function will copy the 'comments' reference into the 'comments' Datafile. Generating Rows With Programs ***************************** Generally, it is much easier to implement a python function as a row generator than a program, but programs can also be useful. The program can receive information from Metatab through program options and environmental variables, and must print CSV formatted lines to std out. There are two broad sources for inputs to the program. The first is are several values that are passed into the program regardless of the configuration of the ``Root.DataFile`` term. The second are the properties of the ``Root.DataFile`` terms. The inputs for all programs are: - :envvar:`METATAB_DOC`: An env var that holds the URL for the Metatab document being processed - :envvar:`METATAB_PACKAGE`: An env var that holds the metatab document's package URL. ( Which is usually the same as the document URL ) - :envvar:`METATAB_WORKING_DIR`: An env var that holds the path to the directory holding the metatab file. - :envvar:`PROPERTIES`: An env var with holds a JSON encoded dict with the three previous env values, along with the ``properties`` dict for the ``Root.DataFile`` term. Additionally, the program receives the ``Root.DataFile`` properties in these forms: - Properties that have names that are all uppercased are assigned to env variables. - Properties that have names that begin with '-' are assigned to program options. Since the program must output CSV formatted lines, a CSV writer can be constructed on ``sys.stdout``: .. code-block:: python import sys import csv w = csv.writer(sys.stdout) w.writerow(...) If the program generates logging or warnings, they must be printed to ``sys.stderr`` .. code-block:: python import sys print("ERROR!", file=sys.stderr) It is very common for a program to open the Metatab document that is being used to run the row generator. You can use the :envvar:`METATAB_DOC` environmental variable to get a reference to the current package. .. code-block:: python import metatab as mt doc = mt.open_package(environ['METATAB_DOC'])